Golden Misri Chicks
Golden Misri Chicks Age 2 months Healthy & active WhatsApp for video & other details
Light Sussex Turkish Imported Eggs Breed
Ready to imported Turkish Eggs then breeds are ready to eggs laying 8 months age healthy and vaccinated total 6 females and 1 male available.…
Ayan cemani trio for sale Active and healthy breeders Also give you tips to recover your money in one month AYAM CEMANI BREEDER TRIO
Silver laced wnydots chicks available
Silver laced wnydots chicks available 50 days age 5k per piece 7 to 15 days age 3500 Price is final
RIR, Austrolop, Bantam chiks
RIR 2.5 months chiks @1200 each (05 pcs) Austrolop 2.5 month chiks @ 1100 each (02 pcs) Bantam 04 months chiks @2000 each (03 pcs)
RIR, Austrolop, Bantam chiks
RIR 2.5 months chiks @1200 each (05 pcs) Austrolop 2.5 month chiks @ 1100 each (02 pcs) Bantam 04 months chiks @2000 each (03 pcs)
Fancy And Aseel Breeders
Molted Bantam+white female 5000 White Cochin Bantam Pair Breeder 5000 Japanese White Shamo 60000 Silky Pair 6000 Heera Pair Breeder 16000 Black/Golden/Blue Heavybuff Breeder 3500…