Silver laced wnydots chicks available
Silver laced wnydots chicks available 50 days age 5k per piece 7 to 15 days age 3500 Price is final
Porcelain bantam pathay
Porcelain bantam pathay age 2.5 month price per piece 1500
Silver sebright
سلور سبرائڈ عمر 10 مہینے فل ایکٹیو انڈے دے رہی ہے صرف فی میل دستیاب ہے قیمت 1800 فائنل لوکیشن صادق آباد
Fancy Rooster available
Fancy Roosters available Different prices WhatsApp for video or price
Golden buff chicks for sale
Total 4 peice Age 1 month+ Healthy and active 500/peice Silver subrite chicks and selkie chicks also available
Porcelain bantam pathay
Porcelain bantam pathay age 2.5 month price per piece 1500
RIR, Austrolop, Bantam chiks
RIR 2.5 months chiks @1200 each (05 pcs) Austrolop 2.5 month chiks @ 1100 each (02 pcs) Bantam 04 months chiks @2000 each (03 pcs)
Ayan cemani trio for sale Active and healthy breeders Also give you tips to recover your money in one month AYAM CEMANI BREEDER TRIO
AC/DC 12V Incubator
*خصوصی پیشکش* Rs. *_1700/-_* AC/DC 12V انکوبیٹر 1. تیس (30) انڈے والی مشین 2. تھرموسٹیٹ آٹومیٹک ہیٹ کنٹرولر۔ 3. ھوا اور آکسیجن سسٹم کے لیے…
Ayam cemani
Ayam cemani for sale age 6 month Location Rahim Yar Khan 2 pair available WhatsApp number 03191979454